Dangerous Phishing Email, Subject: Notice

WARNING! The following email was sent to my gmail account with the subject: Notice This email is NOT from Google and Google would NEVER ask you for your account information in this manner. If you get an email like this, login to your gmail account via the Google website, open the email below and click the dropdown arrow next to the “reply” button in the upper right corner of the message. Click “report phishing” in that dropdown menu. This notified Google that you received this email.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Google Team acctndetailscrewnms@gmail.com
Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:42 PM
Subject: Notice
Please verify your account by clicking the reply button and send your account domain below. Google Team will be eliminating all unused/unwanted account causing red Congestion. Gmail is sorry for any inconvenience for all our regular Users. Send us your Domain Login below for verification.

Birth date:

Thank you for using Gmail
Gmail Team