The Watchful Painting

About 15 years ago, I was attending university outside of London. The school is famous for its art gallery that draws visitors from all over England. My final exams were given in a cavernous hall with dozens of enormous oil paintings covering the walls, from floor to ceiling. I noticed that one painting hanging to … Read more

Haunted School

There is this school in Danvers, Massachusetts that was actually built right over the real place where they buried the witches who were killed in the Salem witch trials. It used to be a part of Olde Salem. It is a school for people studying to be vets, plant nursery workers, etc., so there are … Read more

Haunted Gym

There is a ghost who haunts Charles Page High School in Sand Springs, OK 40 years ago, there was some construction being done in the gymnasium of the High School. There was an accident and the roof collapsed. One of the workers fell 60 feet through the ceiling and died that tragic day. The spirit … Read more

Finals Week

On college campus’, during the week of finals, the dorms have set "quiet hours" so that people can study without being disturbed. Tradition has it that on the last night of finals at 12:00am everyone opens their windows and screams for exactly one minute. On most campuses you can hear someone tell the story that … Read more

Bathroom Ghosts

Hanako, the ghost in the toilet, almost achieved the status of a national phenomena in Japanese legend 20 years ago, when a wave of stories of ghost-sightings swept through the nation’s school yards. Every child had a “Hanako” story to tell. The stories, of course, are many and varied but every schoolchild in Japan, at … Read more